One of my favorite parts of any convention is hitting the exhibitors’ hall and searching for items I can’t find easily at work or locally. If there are opportunities to avoid international shipping charges for things I was already planning to buy… Well, that’s awesome, too!
Tag: Anime Cons
Lightshows & Live Shows (Of Sorts)
You know how, when you’re a kid, you count how far away lightning strikes are from you? The flash happens. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, and each “thousand” equals a mile? Well… Last night, the lightning and the thunder were simultaneous! Multiple times!
Anime Expo 2010: The Swag & “Back” Edition
A quick recap is in order. Sooo… 1.) The hotel rocked. 2.) The panel was successful. And 3.) I’m super-psyched about the license announcements and the fans’ reactions to them!