Got an early start on Friday and went to Bloomingdales. (Need to get back there when I have a real shopping budget. Sensing a pattern here?) We met EA’s friend for lunch, followed by a swing through Central Park to see the turning leaves and a pass through Rockefeller Center before we went to the… Continue reading NYC Day 2, Friday: Bloomies, Central Park, Broadway Shows and Celtic Rock Bands
A Very Sock Monkey Christmas!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned just how much I love Cracker Barrel recently. Besides the really yummy, Southern cooking, it is a treasure trove of weird, cool things — like this mini sock monkey Christmas ornament. Isn’t he absolutely rad?
Hi There, Stretch.
Hi there, Stretch! (Kitty-mon is doing her “circus kitty” routine and generally enjoying today’s sunbeam.) >^..^<