SUGAR SUGAR RUNE, Vol. 6 by Moyoco Anno

I could go into gushy, manga-ka adoration mode about Moyoco Anno‘s work here, but I won’t. In Sugar Sugar Rune, Vol. 6, the plot thickens, and the art and fashion continue to be gorgeous. Someone needs to license Anno’s other manga series posthaste, or I’ll be forced to go into withdrawal or re-read Happy Mania and… Continue reading SUGAR SUGAR RUNE, Vol. 6 by Moyoco Anno

GALS!, Vol. 10 by Mihona Fujii

The last volume of the GALS! manga series made me laugh and cry — while laughing at the same time! The ending was truly satisfying. If you enjoyed the SuperGALS! anime, you’ll want to spend more time with Ran and her BFFs.

THE DEVIL DOES EXIST, Vols. 10 & 11 by Mitsuba Takanashi

Whatever you may think of the ending for The Devil Does Exist — I liked it — the path Takanashi took to get characters there was angst-ridden and interesting. I never quite got into Crimson Hero, which is still running in Shojo Beat, and I’m not sure why. (I need to revisit it again and… Continue reading THE DEVIL DOES EXIST, Vols. 10 & 11 by Mitsuba Takanashi