Ganked from Darius on Facebook, but I really like this one – and it lets me plug some favorites – so I’m putting it here, too! Rules: Don’t take too long to think about it. List 15 books you’ve read that will always stick with you. They should be the first 15 you can recall… Continue reading Recs: 15 Books
Category: Books
What I’m reading — from manga to mysteries and more.
Shoujo Manga for the Halloween Weekend
Check these out if you’re looking a dose of spooky and creepy shoujo manga that can be read within the extra hour many of us have this weekend.
SUPPLI, Vols. 1-3 by Mari Okazaki
Some manga use the day-to-day experiences of single, female professionals as a backdrop for romantic comedy, drama, and/or wish fulfillment. In Suppli, Mari Okazaki digs in and captures the 360-degree reality of this existence — from work-related trials and triumphs to the not-so-unspoken weight of society’s expectations. The art is gorgeous, the story is wonderfully messy,… Continue reading SUPPLI, Vols. 1-3 by Mari Okazaki