Happy Birthday, Osamu Tezuka!

Today is the birthdate of Osamu Tezuka, the “father” of modern anime and manga, as well as the creator of favorite series including Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, Black Jack and many, many others. Since I shared this link via Twitter a few weeks back and via the work account earlier today, it only… Continue reading Happy Birthday, Osamu Tezuka!

The Weekend Agenda

As I may have mentioned a few posts back, the anniversary of my start date at work passed earlier this month, so I’m in a use-them-before-you-lose-them mode with regard to my vacation days. Today kicks off a four-day weekend for me. We know what I’ll be listening to and reading. Yay~! ♥

Lightshows & Live Shows (Of Sorts)

You know how, when you’re a kid, you count how far away lightning strikes are from you? The flash happens. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, and each “thousand” equals a mile? Well… Last night, the lightning and the thunder were simultaneous! Multiple times!