Work’s been crazy busy. Surprise! (Not really… Hahaha!) Remember a couple weeks back when I mentioned my taxes were done? Well, the government agencies must be in speedy response mode. I already got my refund. That’s a record or something. I’m still working my way through the Honey and Clover manga, finished the second season… Continue reading Spring Things
Category: Books
What I’m reading — from manga to mysteries and more.
Busy, Busy Weekend
Where did the weekend go? Bring on the bullet points… Taxes are DONE! Now I can actually start enacting some plans I’ve had in the works. On Friday, I received my long-anticipated copy of The Man From Nowhere from work and then stopped by the soon-to-be closed Borders to snag their (out-of-print) copies of Azumi… Continue reading Busy, Busy Weekend
Winter to Spring
The start of March 2011 was a “lamb,” rather than a “lion,” which means the high was in the 40s instead of the usual 20s or teens. This has been the mildest of my four Midwestern winters so far, but it’s still winter — and I can’t wait for it to warm up. It’s pretty… Continue reading Winter to Spring