January 2013 – Catch Up!

January 2013 – Catch Up!

There’s a lot to talk about. Here’s a late-December/early-January shopping rundown. ;)

 Hard Romanticker: I’ve been looking forward to this film since the casting notices started making the rounds. In a related tangent: I also have to smirk every time reviewers refer to Ryuhei Matsuda as being a pretty boy. I’ve always felt Shōta, his younger brother (who stars here), fit that description more. That said… Little Bro’s not very pretty here. Heh.

• Blue Exorcist, Graphic Novel 6: By the time new volumes hit this spring, I should be up to date!

• Bleak Night: I couldn’t wait for my comp copy, so I went ahead and sprung for an extra loaner copy. (I selected and worked on this! Go pick it up!!!)

• Love Exposure: I’ve been wanting to see this for a very long time, and my own (awesome) younger brother got it for me as a birthday present. Now I need to block out four hours to watch it. ^_^

P.S. Kitty-mon had a very good week last week. (Whew!!)